Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Okay the winner for the contest in 1st place is........................
Gianna Nguyen!!!
2nd is Riley Anderson!!!!!
3rd is Haley Mead!!!!!!!!!
4th is my Mommy!!!!
5th is Me!!!!! (Jensen)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hey Justice Fans!

Okay Payton's turn now! Hope you like this one too!!
This is totally cute for the winter! Okay now starting from toe to
head! Also if you look on older posts you will get to seeJensen's outfit
as well! Enjoy.
Hey Justice Fans!

Were making our own made up outfits! And all of our beautiful clothing is comming from Justice! If you like what you see go to any Justice store and you will surely be pleased with what you are seeing! Okay, Jensen first! Here is my outfit. Starting with my shoes! Toe to Head!
Very Cute! Very Stylish! Very Comfy!


Very comfy in bed!!!!!!

Sweet Dreams!


ooooo la la!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

okay guys I am doing this one for fu

Q. Why was there a hole in the golfers pants?

A. Because he made a hole in one!

Monday, July 6, 2009

When you go to justice you get a 40% off!
If you want to take the quiz at the bottom of the page you can click on the older posts!
Hey guys you should really think of a joke so hurry and think!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Best and Funny Jokes of all time!

Hey guys we are hosting a summer contest on who has the best summer joke! There is going to be 5th place, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and the best place of all 1st! So you should start thinking of funny jokes now because by the end of July we will choose the best joke and there is other places to but just remember think of the best joke ever!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hey guys
We are posting a contest on who has the best spring joke and whoever wins gets to be a 1st prize winner. So start thinking of some jokes and  get ready to rumble and win!


Saturday, February 21, 2009

We are posting a contest of who can have the best valentine poem and we would have 1st 2nd and 3rd place winners! We will be the judges of who has the best poem.


Friday, February 13, 2009

Hey ,

You guys can take a really cool quiz if you look at the bottom after the paper and see in really little words "take this quiz". And if you want to make a quiz yourself go ahead and after you take the quiz it'll say make your own! Or if you choose not to take the quiz we have posted go to www.quizyourfriends.com!! Have fun and make sure to post a comment!!!!!! We'll check the scoreboard and see how you did! HAVE FUN!!!!!



My Quiz from QuizYourFriends.com

Powered By:


Hey look!

OMG!!! Look we have another follower! It's my sister, Stacy and her son Cyler and his Daddy, Mark! Yay they have a blog to if you want to take a look it's www.thecirks.blogspot.com!!!! So check it out! Cyler is my nephew so there might be a couple pics of me on there!!! Check it out and post a comment of what you think!!!



Thursday, February 12, 2009


Did you know Justice is having a contest?
Well if I were you I would go on 
www.shopjustice.com and put your name
in and maybe you might win!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Today is goin' to be kind of bad.

Can you believe today is going to be 55 degrees! I think it feels like spring already. But the bad thing is that it's going to be rainy doesn't that stink! But at least the grass gets a little drink from the rain.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

CNC (Cute New Cardigan)

Hey Girls this is a really cute new cardigan sweater that keeps you warm and cool at the same time! Its a sweater but its not long sleeves! Hope you enjoy if you want online access just go to www.shopjustice.con and go to tops and then sweaters and there it is!

Love, J&P
This is a super cute fashion top for Summer and Spring  with a cute shawl in the spring and in the summer jean shorts!
These are some super cute heart flip flops from Justice!
If you like Iowa State your on the right blog! But if you like the hawkeyes Oh well there just not as good as Iowa STATE!
This is a hot new dress in style for the spring and summer so check it out! I Jensen will get that dress for the daddy daughter dance! It's a thing for the school.

New comers

Hey Peeps!

Were new to our JUSTICE blog! Does anyone have any advice?
